Friday, February 12, 2010

You Think You Are Hungry?

My child you say you want more of my presence, more of my
glory, and I am pleased. You say you are hungry for me, and that
touches my heart.

In days past, your hunger was satisfied to a degree, with my presence.
But the enemy of distraction came and drew you away to where your
hunger level was weakened by the pull. Your vision became cloudy, your
focus became dim.

But I am true to my word---I am your faithful one, for I have come to rescue
you from distractions, disillusionments, and discouragement, for they
are a determent to your soul.

My child, you think you are hungry for me? I will show you what true
hunger is for I am raising your level of hunger. I am going to feed
you with the bread and meat of my presence.

Yes, my child, you are about to experience true hunger for me.
This hunger for the bread and meat of my presence will take you deeper
and higher in me.. I am building a strong foundation in you---one that
cannot be shaken through distractions and surrounding storm clouds.
You will not be moved! Nor earthly commotion will be able to pull you
away from my presence, for my bread and my meat satisfy.

You and I have much work to do, my child. Do not be concerned how it
will take place. As your faithful one, I am quite capable of finishing
what I start, and it is a good and beautiful work that I have started in you.

I have put my mark on you. You are mine, my chosen one, my set apart
one for my glory. Continue to come into my presence....continue to
listen for my voice, for I am always drawing, and I am always speaking.

As you feast on my presence your ability to discern my voice and know my
ways will be heightened. My glory will shine brighter and brighter in you and
through you.

I will bring you to your expected end. My destiny will be fulfilled in you--
for you are my bride, my beautiful bride. Get ready for I am raising your
level of hunger as never before, and it is all for my kingdom purposes in this

It is all about my glory that is coming to cover all the earth.


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